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时光如梭,经过十几年的励精图治,寿龙岛企业管理集团已打造成以寿龙岛为核心资源:集养殖、旅游、保健、养老、生态农业等四大类于一体的跨领域集团。跟随新时代奋进的步伐,集团积极响应国家战略调整,顺应互联网+的新发展趋势,筑巢引凤,广纳百川,积极与八方朋友建立新的合作关系。 未来,我们将全力促进各方优质资源的聚合,以寿龙岛为龙头和着力点,全面规划和构筑一个面向21世纪的宏伟蓝图。 集团将在寿龙岛规划建设养老、休闲、商住、会议等多功能五星级的别墅群,回馈于为公司发展做出突出贡献的合伙人。对于我们寿龙岛几千余亩的海域,实施“共享那片海,拥有那片海”的分享模式,让所有参与到我们集团发展的朋友们得到丰厚的财富回报。 世上本无路,人走多了就有了路。在当今互联网+的发展大潮中,集团将用自己积淀的雄厚的优良资产和实践经验,汇集各路精英,通过多种模式,在分享经济、共享经济、平台经济大潮中,秉承“诚信务实、勤奋进取、创新发展、合作共赢”的原则,在未来的几年中,将寿龙岛打造成一个全国乃至全世界人民向往的生态岛域。


Time flies. After more than ten years of hard work, Shoulong Island enterprise management group has become a cross domain group with Shoulong island as its core resource, which integrates four categories: breeding, tourism, health care, pension and ecological agriculture. Following the new era of advancing, the Group actively responds to the adjustment of national strategy, complies with the Internet plus new trend of development, builds nests, attracts Phoenix, and inves all rivers and streams, and actively establishes new cooperative relations with eight party friends. In the future, we will make every effort to promote the aggregation of high-quality resources of all parties, take Shoulong island as the leader and focus, and comprehensively plan and build a grand blueprint for the 21st century. The group will plan and build a multi-functional five-star villa group in Shoulong Island, such as pension, leisure, commercial and residential, conference and so on, and give back to the partners who have made outstanding contributions to the development of the company. As for the sea area of Shoulong Island, we should implement the sharing mode of "share the sea, own the sea", so that all the friends who participate in the development of our group can get rich returns. There is no way in the world. If there are too many people, there is a way. In the current trend of Internet plus development, the group will pool its elite with its accumulated strong assets and practical experience, and through various modes, in the tide of sharing economy, sharing economy and platform economy, adhering to the principle of "honesty, pragmatism, diligence, innovation, development and cooperation and win-win", in the next few years, Shou Long Island will be built into a whole country. The ecological island that people all over the world yearn for.

寿龙岛集团有限公司 辽ICP备2021001877号-1